
4.11.6 pt 1

big "KESH", jp

big "JUICE", jp

love & hate, jp

"AWE" + "HECTOR", jp

some "BIJOU" tags, jp

3.28.6 pt 19


more "VILE" + "BUNKER"


amateur pumpkin

that's it for this series. next series, we'll take a look at some work up in jp.

3.28.6 pt 18



dope "VILE8" piece

more "VILE" + "BUNK"


3.28.6 pt 17

happy holidays




3.28.6 pt 16


"VILE" tags + spraycan


"VILE" + "MAB" tag


3.28.6 pt 15

this could be cool, unless its an ad, and even then it could still be cool - i was told this was indeed another ad piece by wombat


big "GOYA"

3.28.6 pt 14


"SYNK" from '03

"GS", "ROKU", "DZ", "VIE"

really nice "J.BLAZE"

beautiful "2WORLDZ" by WOMBAT + "CASER" - i was told this was originally an m&ms ad?

3.28.6 pt 13

buff monster?


old "T.SALON!" + "SMOKE" tags


3.28.6 pt 12

"IRON", not "IKON"

"NEKO" in a bboy stance

water-damaged "GROE"

big "KO"

lots of tags

3.28.6 pt 11



nice "SHAKE"

spotty "HASTE"

"EASE" over another "EASE"?