
3.4.6 pt. 8

"OWL", cambridge

"SIOSI"? someday i'll figure this cat out, b/c it's up all over this town, cambridge

this is a really nice piece, and it's right near a big lode, cambridge

scary ghosts, cambridge

beautiful "ALONE" piece, this shit is amazing

tomorrow, we'll start getting to the really good stuff


3.4.6 pt. 7

nice "TAINT", cambridge

"REGS" over something + "JOKER", cambridge

really nice "SYNK" and "BUNK" that the toys got, cambridge

is "ICH" short for ICHABOD in somerville? damn toys fucking up a "FONE", cambridge

"OCEAN" gone over by RAMBO - how lame is that? cambridge


3.4.6 pt. 6

you might not know this, but collegiate rowing crews are big into tagging too. wierd, huh? cambridge

more crew tags, cambridge

some crew, some wildstyle, cambridge

another shot of tufts crew pieces, cambridge

more crew pieces, cambridge


3.4.6 pt. 5

"BUNK" doesn't like boston, cambridge

"GQ" and "JER" (?), cambridge

is this who i think it is? "CASE" dated '93, cambridge

"KE5", cambridge

"BIGA", "JIVE", and two others i can't read, cambridge


3.4.6 pt. 4

"OKES" and ".COM", cambridge

nice marker work on cambridge

more marker work, cambridge

something big used to be there, now it's "OKES" and a "REGS" tag, cambridge

i wish i'd seen what was there before, cambridge


3.4.6 pt. 3

"GROE" on the charles

"BARE" on the charles

"SMELLS" on the charles

nice detail at end of "SMELLS" on the charles

on the charles


3.4.6 pt. 2

fresh "LEPER"


beef w/ itd? "ARSN" on the charles

"AVES" on the charles

"SPEK" on the charles