
3.20.6 pt 8

older thing, dorchester

"BLUE", dorchester


really nice piece that hasn't been destroyed by construction crew yet, dorchester

whats 594 all about? mattapan


3.20.6 pt 7

players been in the game for a minute, dorchester

"BLUE", dorchester

"CAYPE", dorchester

"AVES", dorchester

commentary on what might appear to be merely unfinished, dorchester


3.20.6 pt 6

no way i could get a decent shot of this, dorchester

really nice piece on a power thing, dorchester

now we're getting somewhere!

more shit that i'm not sure i'm qualified to read, dorchester

good "RELM", dorchester


3.20.6 pt 5

"PLUS" + "TEAZE", dorchester

POINT & HISTO still rep in '06

recent "POINT" + "HISTOE" tags, a death in the family? dorchester

POINT & HISTO, dorchester



3.20.6 pt 4

"ELE", dorchester

POINT N HISTO tags + wierd moebius letter(s?), dorchester

nice "DEME" keeping it movin, dorchester

"TARGET" lacking outline, dorchester

big "NUB", dorchester


3.20.6 pt 3

some partially obscured stuff, dorchester

"HERI" + nice "RELM", dorchester

really nice pieces, dorchester

"AWARE" from '00, dorchester

and for j. and c. from OBS, here's that pseudojapanese production i was asking about (from an upcoming series):

full-on view of this very unique piece, cambridge


3.20.6 pt 2

"JAS", dorchester

"IDUB" + "TEAZE" holding down the d

"MELO", dorchester

this "ARIA" was on a moving train, dorchester. this is the first piece i've seen on a train car that wasn't resting on some siding somewhere, pretty cool

nice marbly piece, nice face, dorchester